Shining Mewtwo





Collection Management

General informations

Set identifier 109

Rare Pokemon

Illustrated by Hironobu Yoshida

From the Neo's Neo Destiny Set

Shining Mewtwo's informations

National Pokédex No 150

70 HP

Psychic type Card

Basic Pokemon

Shining Mewtwo's Attacks

Reflect Shield

If an attack does damage to Shining Mewtwo during your opponent's next turn (even if Shining Mewtwo is Knocked Out), flip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done to Shining Mewtwo from that attack (any other effects of attacks still happen) and do 20 damage to the attacking Pokémon.

Psyburst - 40+

Discard a Energy card attached to Shining Mewtwo or this attack does nothing. This attack does 40 damage plus 10 damage for each Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon.