




Collection Management

General informations

Set identifier 20

Rare Pokemon

Illustrated by Hisao Nakamura

From the EX's Legend Maker Set

Lunatone's informations

National Pokédex No 337

60 HP

Psychic type Card

Basic Pokemon

Lunatone's Ability

Sol Shade

Poke-BODY: As long as you have Solrock in play, each player's Fire Pokémon (excluding Pokémon-ex) can't use any Poké-Powers.

Lunatone's Attacks

Moon Guidance

Search your deck for a Trainer card (excluding Supporter cards), show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.

Psyshock - 10

Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.